
Hello everyone! These past few months have felt like our world is in an alternate universe: one moment, we are going about our normal lives and in another moment, most of us we are told to stay home as scientists around the world try to unravel  the mystery of the novel virus. This situation can be anxiety and stress inducing due to the uncertainty of what lies ahead. With the shelter in place order, there is a shift in routine for most people as some start to work from home or attend to their kids. For the first few days, I went from pajamas to pajamas and the fridge became my place of comfort lol! Soon enough I realized that I can’t continue like this and needed structure to keep me sane. One way that I implemented creating structure was to make a healthy meal plan. I let my creative juices lead me as I try out different ways of making the foods that I liked. I joked with my husband telling him that if we didn’t want to look like bags of potatoes after this virus season, then we need to keep up with our health and fitness goals. So this applies to you out there, tell yourself:  Can’t stop, won’t stop! Let’s turn this unfortunate shelter at home episode, into some positive habit building period. Let’s cultivate resilience together!

Breakfast Ideas

Sausage and Omelet with a bowl of sliced fruits

This is an easy breakfast idea that can be paired with a cup of tea or coffee.

Oatmeal and fruits

Oatmeal is a quick and easy to fix breakfast. I add some milk and place in the microwave for about 1-2 mins, then you have yourself a delicious meal paired with berries.

Lunch Idea

Kale and cabbage slaw with chicken


Kale, cabbage, carrot, apple, avocado


  1. Wash and cut kale into desired size.
  2.  Shred carrot and cabbage.
  3.  Dice apple and avocado.
  4. Toss all inside a bowl.
  5. Add salad dressing of choice

For the chicken recipe:

  1. Wash chicken and put in a bowl.
  2. Put in a small bowl: 1 teaspoon each of cumin, paprika, thyme, curry, rosemary leaves, cayenne pepper, black pepper, 2 cubes of seasoning cubes and salt. Mix ingredients with 2 tablespoon of vegetable oil
  3. Dice some onion, spring onion and fresh cilantro leaves.
  4. Massage mixed ingredients into chicken and place on a baking pan.
  5. Pre-heat oven and set at 350 F.
  6. Place pan inside oven for about 45-50 mins until golden brown color is attained.
  7. Chicken is ready to be served with salad.

Dinner Idea

Chicken Potato Curry Soup


Chicken, potatoes, broccoli, red bell pepper, onion, spring onion, 1 habanero pepper, 2 Seasoning cubes, 1 teaspoon of turmeric, ½ teaspoon of paprika powder, 1 ½ teaspoon curry powder, 1 teaspoon of dry thyme, salt to taste


  1. Cut chicken to preferred size and wash with salt and hot water.
  2. Place on low heat and add just a cup of water to allow the meat steam with its juices.
  3. Dice  ¼ of a full onion and add to the pot.
  4. Add the dry spices to season the meat and leave to slowly cook for about 5 mins.
  5. Prep the other ingredients: wash and cut the potatoes into desired cube sizes, blend or chop habanero pepper, chop ½ of a full red bell pepper, cut 2 stalks of spring onion.
  6. Check on meat, add more water, chopped spring onion, bell pepper, and habanero pepper and cook on medium heat for about 10 mins.
  7. Add potatoes and cook for another 15 mins and check occasionally.
  8. When potatoes are soft, remove about 3 of them and pound/soften in a small mortar.
  9. Add the potatoes from the mortar back to the pot. This serves as a thicken and changes the consistency of the food.
  10. Add your washed broccoli to the pot and cook for about 2 mins. Taste for salt and other ingredients.
  11.  Your meal is ready to be served.

I hope to bring more ideas your way. Please don’t forget to let me know if you tried any of the recipes. Eat healthy and be safe at home!